A Conscious Path of Unconditional Love
Welcome to
Temple of the Green Rose
The Temple of the Green Rose is dedicated to sharing sacred knowledge and techniques that foster healing and spiritual advancement for those who seek it. We seek guidance and spiritual partnership through the ceremonial use of natural entheogens, the Master Plant Medicine Teachers.
Houston Texas
Our Sacraments
We combine the use of Santa Maria with other spiritual practices to achieve expanded states of consciousness. These practices include, but are not limited to, Sound Frequency Healing, Sacred Music, Chanting, Meditation, and Breathwork.

Sound Healing
Sound healing is an ancient technique that uses different musical tools to create healing vibrations within and around the body. These tools include the voice, drums, gong, crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, tuning forks, and other musical instruments. The most important aspect of using sound to heal is Intention. A universal sound healing formula is Frequency + Intention = Healing. The Sound Frequency acts as a carrier wave of our Intention. It has been said that Sound is the most powerful form of energy because it has the ability to affect us on all levels – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. At Temple Of The Green Rose, we use Sound in a very intentional way, through music, chanting, and various sound healing tools.